At a week old these little girls are starting to look a lot bigger. They are sprouting new feathers daily, some have tail feathers showing but all have their wings filling out more, every morning it is a surprise. The first time I came across them in a deep sleep I thought they had died, they were spread out flat on the bedding like a little puddle of feathers and fluff.
They are now also starting to become more interested in the perch, Winona in particular can often be found perching.
Best of all they are becoming quite used to being handled. They relax very quickly and quite enjoy tummy rubs and snuggles. During warm sunny days we have been letting them roam outside in the run so they can spread their wings a bit and forage in the grass. I am finding it much easier to get them back out again now when it is time to go inside, instead of racing away they come to me.
Even though it feels like you can almost see them growing when they have a rest on your lap they really are still so tiny. Like a newborn child they have a distinctive chick sound too, I am actually surprised by the range of sounds they make and also the distinctiveness of their calls. Just like you can distinguish your child's voice from a bunch of "Mum, Mum, Mum!" calls at a playground I can sometimes tell which chick is calling from the sounds they make, eg, there is a particular "car alarm" call that I have only ever heard Goldie make.
I am quite enjoying having them inside, might be a little sad when it's time for them to move out to the coop!
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